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What if I own a classic car?
Classic cars are used for many different purposes, whether it be driving to and from work, attending trade shows or even for rallies. Classic cars often require a more tailored car insurance package which allows you to fit the policy around the cars use. This may be in the form of limited mileage or even specialist track day insurance.
What if I have a high performance car?
High performance cars tend to be very expensive, but its not just the buying of the car. It's also the cost of maintaining, repairing it, and particularly the cost of insuring that you need to fully consider. High performance Car Insurance can cost anywhere up to about £10,000 a year, so shopping around can save you a small fortune.
Why do some Motor insurers specialise in just lady drivers?
Every Motor Insurance company is different, each have specific market niches that they try and specialise in, some choose mature drivers, some lady drivers and some young drivers.
Who do I contact if I have a complaint against a finance house?
First you must address your original contact you dealt with, ask them for their job title and then request that the provide you with the name of the person who handles complaints. Traditionally, finance houses are required by the FSA to have a complaints procedure, and you should ask for details of this.
Am I insured to drive someone else's car?
Many motor insurance providers will allow their comprehensive policy holders to drive any other vehicle, as long as it is already insured by another driver. This means that you can drive your friend's car BUT it is likely that you will only be insured to third party level.

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