Hot Topics

Do I Need a Guarantor?
If your lender is concerned about your ability to meet your mortgage commitments, they may ask you to provide a Guarantor.
Unusual Properties
What happens if I have an unusual property?
Information For 1st Time Mortgage Buyers
Your first mortgage will be the most significant financial undertaking of your life so far, but how exactly do you go about getting a mortgage?
What is a Fixed Rate Mortgage?
A loan where the initial payments are based on a certain interest rate for a stated period and the rate payable will not change during that period regardless of changes in the lender's standard variable rate.
I Have Been Turned Down For A Loan Or Credit Card, Will I Still Be Able To Get A Mortgage?
If you have been turned down for a credit card or loan, then you need to find out why your application was rejected before you apply for a mortgage.

What Happens If I Can’t Keep Up My Repayments?

It is very important that if you are having problems meeting your mortgage repayments, you talk to your mortgage lender straight away.

Perhaps you have changed jobs and your earnings have gone down, or your other outgoings have increased to the extent that you can’t meet your repayments. A worst case scenario would be that you have had an accident or have fallen sick, and you are not covered by short-term mortgage payment protection insurance plan.

If you contact your lender immediately and keep them informed of the situation, you should be able to come to an alternative, mutually beneficial arrangement with your lender. Perhaps they will suspend the mortgage repayments for a while or lower them until you are back on your feet. In any case, the worst thing you can do is ignore the problem.

When you take out your mortgage - you will be strongly aware that you could potentially lose your home if the worst comes to the worst. In most cases, matters do not progress that far - because lenders see repossession as the last resort. Basically, they stand to make a lot more money from your mortgage than through the sale of your home.

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