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Who Do I Ask For Advice On Where To Buy My Private Medical Insurance?
When you are looking for private medical insurance it is well worth doing thorough research – not only to get the cheapest deal but to make sure that PMI is right for you.
How Does ‘excess' Work In Medical Insurance?
When you take out a private medical insurance policy, you may be able to choose to include an ‘excess' payment. This means that if you make a claim you will have to pay this set amount towards the total cost of the claim.
What Details Will I Need To Provide To Prove My Health?
When you sign up for a private medical insurance policy, there are a variety of ways in which your insurer may ask you to prove your health. We have detailed them below:
Do Insurers Have a Money-Back Guarantee?
If you decide that you don't want to take out your private medical insurance policy, most insurers offer a money-back guarantee.
What Happens If I Want To Move To Another Insurer?
If you have a current private medical insurance plan but wish to change to another insurer then it is possible to ensure that you receive a plan on "no worse terms.” This is known in the trade as a CPME plan.

What Do I Do If I Have a Complaint?

Your insurance company will have a complaints procedure in place - a stipulation of the Financial Services Authority (FSA).

If you have a problem with any part of your cover then the first course of action is to speak to your insurer or adviser. They will deal with your complaint. However if you are not satisfied with the way in which your complaint is dealt with, then there will be an independent dispute-resolution procedure.

All insurance companies and insurance brokers who sell insurance are now regulated by the Financial Services Authority. You'll find full details of how to complain within their terms of business which you'll find on their website. They'll also send details of their complaints procedure in the post if you decide to apply for insurance cover through them.