Will you need a medical if you apply for a critical illness policy?

In order to correctly assess the risk they are being asked to accept an insurance company may require further information from your GP or request that you undergo a medical. In most cases these medicals only take five or ten minutes.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

What is Critical Illness cover?
Critical illness cover is an insurance which pays you a tax-free sum of money if you are diagnosed as having a serious,
How long should you insure for?
20 to 25 years is most common but it really depends on how much you can afford and your personal circumstances.
What decisions will you have to make before you can get a quotation?
You will have to make four decisions:
Will Critical Illness policies permit the use of alternative medicines?
After you have been diagnosed with a qualifying Critical Illness and the claim has been paid you can spend your money however you like. So if you want to spend some of your money on alternative medicines then that’s entirely your choice.
What is the difference between Critical Illness cover and Terminal Illness cover?
Critical Illness Insurance is much more comprehensive than Terminal Illness cover. 1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women suffer a critical illness before their usual retirement age.
You may be able to arrange for the medical to take place at your home otherwise you will have to go to the consulting rooms for the Doctor appointed by the insurance company. The insurance company will always try to arrange for their Doctor to see you locally.

An insurance company is most likely to ask for a medical where the sum insured is high or where there are existing health issues.

However, a request to have a medical does not necessarily mean they will increase your premium or that they are concerned about your health. In most cases it is just because you are applying for a level of cover higher than their medical limits.

Your insurance company will always meet the cost of the medical.

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