What is Critical Illness cover?

Critical illness cover is an insurance which pays you a tax-free sum of money if you are diagnosed as having a serious, chronic or terminal illness which is listed on the policy, or require a specific type of operation which is listed on the policy or you suffer from any condition or have an accident that totally and permanently prevents you from working.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

Is there a waiting period to receive payment on a Critical Illness claim?
All Critical Illness policies require you to survive a specified number of days following diagnosis in order to have a valid claim. The typical survival period is 28 days but some insurance companies have reduced this to 14 days.
Can You Include Your Partner On Your Critical Illness Policy?
Yes, as with Life insurance, Critical Illness policies can insure one or two lives.
What other benefits can be added to a Critical Illness policy?
Life cover is a must. Then consider Waiver of Premium and Indexation.
Will Critical Illness policies permit the use of alternative medicines?
After you have been diagnosed with a qualifying Critical Illness and the claim has been paid you can spend your money however you like. So if you want to spend some of your money on alternative medicines then that’s entirely your choice.
What happens if your condition deteriorates after making a claim on your Critical Illness policy?
As far as your insurance is concerned, it makes no difference. Your policy has already paid out and your ex- insurer has no further interest in your health.
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