Why are the insurance prices on the Internet so low?

The Internet is undoubtedly the cheapest marketplace to buy insurance. There are two main reasons: -

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

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How much will the premium be?
Your premium reflects the level of cover you want and how long you want to be insured for. It also reflects the risk to the Insurance Company that you may make a claim. This risk is conditioned by your age, sex, occupation, health record and life style etc.
Why is insurance more expensive for smokers?
On average, the premium for a smoker is around 65% higher than a non-smoker. The reason is quite simple – non-smokers are generally healthier and live longer.
Do I have to pay the Life Insurance Broker a fee?
Absolutely not! ClickLife, our Partners for Life Insurance, purely work on commission.
What causes delays and can delays be reduced?
The most common cause of delay is enquiries about your health.
When Does My Cover Start?
Once your insurer has accepted your Application, your insurance cover can start straight away.
The Internet’s selling costs are much lower compared with the traditional Financial Adviser sitting in your lounge. In addition, there is intense competition on the Internet for financial services. Low operating costs and strong competition have effectively forced the Internet into a low price environment, and that’s especially true for life insurance.

However, we have found that as many as 50% of people looking for life insurance do not get exactly what they want. They would in fact be a lot better off with the help of a professional - so they not only get the cheapest deal but the right deal. That's why we'll arrange for LifeSearch to call you!

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