Hot Topics

What does Home Insurance Cover?
Home Insurance covers damage to or loss of the structure and permanent fittings in your house.
When do you need your cover to be in place?
In most cases, you can be insured immediately online. If you don't want to be insured straight away, then that's no problem. You simply enter a future date you want the insurance to start.
How Do You calculate the rebuilding cost for your Home Insurance?
You don’t need to! Both the companies that handle our Home Insurance will estimate your rebuilding cost based upon the information you provide and show you their suggested figure on screen.
How Do You calculate the value for your Contents Insurance?
Ideally you should compile a detailed and thorough inventory of all your contents. This enables you to work out how much to insure for and, if you have a claim, your claim will be settled so much quicker.
What is Index Linking and should you have it?
Index Linking means that each year the insurance company will automatically increase the sums insured under your policy to reflect changes the country's rate of inflation.

What is Index Linking and should you have it?

Index Linking means that each year the insurance company will automatically increase the sums insured under your policy to reflect changes the country's rate of inflation.

This ensures that the insurance values on your policy remain up to date. (However, if the value of your contents has increased because you have acquired more belongings then you should inform the insurance company and they will update your policy accordingly.) When the insurance company applies the Index Linking adjustment each year, you should expect your monthly premium to increase proportionately.

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