Car Insurance - Look Out For Motorbikes

Filed under: General, Car insurance, Insurance — Administrator at 4:23 pm on Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Author: Catriona Singfield

As winter draws near, around 10,000 of the UK’s motorcyclists begin to make plans for storing their bikes away for the cold season. Snow, ice and biting winds make riding a motorbike a less attractive prospect, so many savvy bikers pack their machines up and save on the tax and insurance until biking season comes around again. Unfortunately, thieves know this too and every month around 600 motorcycles are stolen from their garages.

This could be a problem if you are the unlucky victim of such a theft when you are temporarily uninsured. A useful compromise is to reduce the cover to the minimum needed, usually just fire and theft.

Compared to car insurance, motorcycle insurance has some unusual features. That old favourite, the no claims bonus, is almost unheard of for bikes and it’s only a select few insurers who offer any comparable discount.

So how does a typical motorbike policy work? As with cars, there are a variety to choose from, such as third party, specified rider policy and specified bike policy. Specified bike policies cover the machine, not the rider, which means that several riders can be insured for the same bike.

Specified rider policies apply the other way around, to a specified rider on any bike of a size agreed by the policy.

Comprehensive insurance is the most expensive type, but like the familiar car version it covers you for the repair costs for accidental damage, and may or may not include breakdown cover. If you need to make a claim, you pay a specified excess and the rest will be paid for by your insurance company.

Third party insurance covers you for the legal minimum, and is thus the least expensive. It includes any damage you may cause to property, or injury to people. It doesn’t cover you for damage to your bike or repair costs, and still includes an excess payment.

Unfortunately, the exhilaration of getting a new bike is tempered for many young riders by much higher premiums on all types of insurance. This is because the chances of a new rider being involved in an accident are so much higher, due in part to lack of experience on the road. Motorbikes are also notorious for offering little protection in the event of a crash, and such accidents can have tragic consequences.

Premiums are also calculated on how long the rider spends travelling, for example a daily journey to work, or touring. This is because the longer a biker spends on the road, the greater the likelihood of an accident occurring. If you have had the misfortune to make a claim for a driving-related accident recently, this will also affect the rate you will be offered.

So what else goes in to the complex mix of tailored bike insurance? Well, the size of the engine and the make of the machine will be factors, so owning a vintage Harley is likely to be a costly affair! Any previous convictions for speeding, dangerous driving or even a disqualification will affect it adversely too.

It seems sensible to do what you can to reduce these fees. A security device, especially an immobiliser, steering lock or alarm should also secure a discount, as may completion of a specialised motorbike training course.

With so many things to take into account, it may seem tempting to be economical with the truth to save costs. This will certainly invalidate your insurance, leaving you with an expensive payout and no claim. It’s also illegal to drive without insurance, so honesty is definitely best for your policy!

Naturally, you’ll want to find the best deal, so try an online insurance broker. They can find you a policy to suit your specific requirements, and shop around for the best quotes to match your budget. Not only do they have the experience to help out, but they often have access to special discounts only available online.

So shop around, make sure you get the right insurance for your needs and have a safe drive!

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