Car insurance. Two heads are better than one

Filed under: General, Car insurance, Insurance — Administrator at 11:41 am on Wednesday, June 7, 2023

In this day and age, it’s hard to live cheaply, but if you really try, then two people can live side by side for the cost of one person. So it comes as a surprise that with car insurance, it’s possible for two people to be cheaper than just one person.

Insurance companies all have their criteria based on where you live, how long you’ve been driving, your gender, and how many accidents you’ve had. Every insurer is different and that’s why, when you get a quote, the premiums can vary wildly.

Some car insurers put safety first, and the insurer ‘Privilege’ is one of them. They have an ‘insured and partner policy’ which rewards safer drivers in long-term relationships with lower premiums. Managing Director of Privilege, Ian Parker, describes the ethos behind it, saying: “The responsibility of being in a long-term relationship translates into safer driving”.

These examples illustrate the savings to be made from having your partner on the policy:

Example 1 - A 38-year-old living in London SW2 with 5 years no claims looking for fully comprehensive cover on a 2001 Citroen Picasso would pay a yearly figure of £531.30. With his 37-year-old partner on the policy, the premium drops by £47.25 to £484.05.

Example 2 – A 37-year-old with the same car and other details but living in Tonbridge, Kent would be offered a premium of £270.90 for the year. With the addition of a 38-year-old man on the policy, the premiums falls by £21 to £249.90.

It’s not just Privilege that offers this policy, many of the big name insurers do – although they don’t publicise it that well.

So what do you need to do to qualify for an insured and partner policy?

§ You both need to live at the same address. And there’s no use pretending, the insurer will check the electoral register.
§ You need to live together as if you were married. It can be an opposite or same sex relationship. It’s not necessary to be in a civil partnership or married. You can’t do it with someone who’s related, for example your mother or sister, even if you do live with them.
§ You must both be aged over 25, and have good driving records. The best prices are reserved for couples that are of a similar age, and have a similar number of years driving without having made a claim.

Incidentally, it doesn’t matter how many miles you drive, that won’t make a difference to the premiums.

The policy will benefit both drivers when it comes to no claims – as you will both build up your no claims further while on an insured and partner policy. So if you do split up or one of you becomes unable to drive, you don’t need to worry about losing any of your no claims.

If you live with your partner and fit the criteria discussed in this article, then try getting quotes for an insured and partner policy next time. You could save considerably compared on two separate policies, or one as a named driver. With the extra benefits relating to the no claims discount, it really is worth looking into.

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