What information will be needed at the time of a Critical Illness claim?

For a Critical Illness claim to be successful the insurance company’s claims department will need evidence that you have been diagnosed as having one of the listed critical illnesses. This evidence will normally come from a Hospital Consultant who is a specialist in the illness which has been diagnosed.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

What could Critical Illness cover be used for?
Anything you want. Medical expenses, repaying the mortgage, making your home easier to live in, school fees, general living expenses, but to name a few.
The following might help you decide how much cover you need.
How much would you need to repay your mortgage, overdraft, loans or any credit card balances? The freedom that comes from being debt free does wonders for recovery
Should you have a “Guaranteed” or a “Reviewable” policy?
When a policy is first started Guaranteed policies have higher premiums than Reviewable policies - but in the longer period Reviewable policies generally work out more expensive.
Why, when you only want Critical Illness cover, should you consider combining it with Life Insurance?
Two good reasons: You are likely to save money! And if you died within the survival period (see below), the claim would still be paid under the terms of your Life Insurance.
Are Critical Illnesses In Pregnancy Covered?
Pregnancy does not affect any claim under critical illness insurance. It would be hard to make a case that pregnancy was a ‘self-inflicted injury’!
Claimants may also be asked to undergo a further medical examination in order for the insurance company to ascertain more precise information about the nature of your condition. The costs for all medicals are paid the company concerned and will not be deducted from your claim.

The insurance company will also want to see your birth certificate to confirm your age and possibly your marriage certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions related to the above topic.
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