Are Critical Illnesses In Pregnancy Covered?

Pregnancy does not affect any claim under critical illness insurance. It would be hard to make a case that pregnancy was a ‘self-inflicted injury’!

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

Why do you need to consider a new Critical Illness policy if you already have one?
Because older policies were often limited in the illnesses they covered; your own circumstances may have changed; you may now need to increase the sum insured.
Is there a waiting period to receive payment on a Critical Illness claim?
All Critical Illness policies require you to survive a specified number of days following diagnosis in order to have a valid claim. The typical survival period is 28 days but some insurance companies have reduced this to 14 days.
The following might help you decide how much cover you need.
How much would you need to repay your mortgage, overdraft, loans or any credit card balances? The freedom that comes from being debt free does wonders for recovery
How long should you insure for?
20 to 25 years is most common but it really depends on how much you can afford and your personal circumstances.
What is “Total and Permanent Disability”?
“Total and Permanent Disability” means that if you are diagnosed with any illness, or have an accident, that totally and permanently prevents you from working, you have a valid claim.
In fact, as a result of a pregnancy, there are several possible circumstances that could result in a successful claim e.g. a heart attack as a result of a difficult birth or a HIV infected blood transfusion.

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