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What Is Covered By Private Medical Insurance?
Private Medical Insurance is designed to cover only treatment for curable, short term illness or injury. Some illnesses and treatments can never be expected to be included in any policy.
Who Do I Ask For Advice On Where To Buy My Private Medical Insurance?
When you are looking for private medical insurance it is well worth doing thorough research – not only to get the cheapest deal but to make sure that PMI is right for you.
I Have a Pre-existing Medical Condition - How Does This Affect My Insurance?
Private medical insurance does not normally cover a pre-existing medical condition.
Do Insurers Have a Money-Back Guarantee?
If you decide that you don't want to take out your private medical insurance policy, most insurers offer a money-back guarantee.
What Happens If I Want To Move To Another Insurer?
If you have a current private medical insurance plan but wish to change to another insurer then it is possible to ensure that you receive a plan on "no worse terms.” This is known in the trade as a CPME plan.

What Is a 'medical history declaration' Cover?

Medical history declaration cover refers to cover which is supported by a full medical questionnaire completed and signed by you.

In this form it is essential that you provide all the information required by insurers to avoid future questions or if you are very unfortunate, a rejection of your claim.

If you are not sure about a medical condition, then declare it anyway.

If you have a medical condition that may reoccur, the insurance company may exclude that particular condition, and then review the possibility for inclusion into the plan in later years.