How Much Should You Insure For?

For mortgage protection purposes the initial sum insured must always equal the capital sum outstanding on your mortgage. You should also insure yourself for the same number of years that are remaining on your mortgage.

STEP 1 of 2
Type of cover
Life Insurance       Mortgage Life Insurance
Cover Level (£)

Number of years
Do you want:  
Critical illness cover
Family income benefit

Hot Topics

What is Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance?
Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance pays your monthly mortgage repayment if you were off work due to sickness, accident, or unemployment. (Don’t forget that your home is at risk if you fail to keep up the repayment of loans secured against it.)
What is Mortgage Life Insurance?
Mortgage Life Insurance is sometimes called Mortgage Protection Insurance.
Is there any investment value in your policy?
No. Once the policy has come to the end of its term the policy simply ends. It’s a bit like house insurance!
Can you keep your Life policy on if you pay your mortgage off early?
As far as the insurance company is concerned, until your policy reaches the end of its term and you continue to pay the premiums, you remain insured.
How long should you insure for?
For mortgage protection purposes you should also insure yourself for the same number of years that are remaining on your mortgage. The initial sum insured should always equal the capital sum outstanding on your mortgage.
All proceeds from insurance policies are tax-free.


If you need insurance that would pay your monthly mortgage payments if you were off work through sickness, accident or unemployment, then you need Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance.

If you need insurance that repays your outstanding mortgage capital if you became critically ill, you need Critical Illness Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions related to the above topic.
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