Want to make a claim? The repercussions may be wider than you think

Filed under: General, Car insurance, Insurance — Administrator at 4:59 pm on Monday, June 19, 2023

Author: Tom Warden

Have you injured yourself at work or on the roads? Had an accident that wasn’t your fault? Then why not claim the compensation you deserve? Well, there may be plenty of reasons to keep away from claims companies, beside the fact that they are likely to hit you with hidden costs and represent you poorly. Their get rich quick options have led to a lawsuit society, much like in the USA when, as soon as somebody has an accident, whether it be their fault or not, their first though is likely to be ‘can I claim?’

You might think that, as long as you steer clear of accidents with people, you don’t have to worry about what these companies are doing, but their effects stretch wider than just the careless and unfortunate, they will have an effect on even the most careful drivers. The cost of accidental damage has risen by 5% per year in the last few years, and claims for personal injury have also increased, with the cost of them being settled rising by a massive 12%. These factors mean that insurance companies, or at least most high street ones, are raising the price of their premiums, some by up to 10% per year. Most customers accept these rises, despite the fact that they have come though no fault of their own. Neither do they question why most new, money saving offers are only offered to new customers and are not even made available to existing ones.

So is there any way of avoiding the price rises? Thankfully, yes. Online insurance companies tend to offer deals which are a lot more flexible and some offer multi car and pay as you go policies.

The advent of the internet as a selling tool has meant that many more new insurance companies are cropping up as well as the more established ones. This has brought about a healthy competition in the market which was much needed, and competition has kept rises to a minimum.

So if you find yourself as an indirect victim of the ‘where there’s a blame, there’s a claim’ society, don’t lie down and take it on the chin - turn on you computer and buy online!

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